Thursday, March 19, 2009

Politics to Puke

I'm normally not one to get emotionally involved in politics, but the political events that have transpired in the recent months have moved to me to shear nausea! Okay, so maybe not that extreme, but I have found a lot of things upsetting regarding the new "change" being displayed on the political stage of this Nation. Because of such, I thought I'd share some of my own opinions of the larger issues portrayed by our government and media:
  1. Government Bailouts: so in earlier blogs I've expressed my thoughts and views of bailouts. I opposed Bush in lending his $700 billion bailout package last year and I oppose the bailout efforts of the new Obama administration. Although no one really knows if over $1.8 trillion (this number deriving from last year's package and the recent package) will stimulate the economy as many people hope, that's not the arguement in my mind. The issue is that government bailouts in no way punishes bad behavior, nor does it stimulate good behavior. If anything, I would say it will reward mediocrity; it sends the message that's it's okay to be sloppy and to do just on okay job. Motivation for the best results possible is thrown out the window. Why? Because Uncle Sam will pay for our mistakes! Where is the Capitalism, upon which this country and economy were founded?! We have skewed our very own perception of the realities that face us in the near future, because we are forgetting too quickly the economic principles that gave us the comforts we have had up to this point.
  2. AIG: This is more of a side note to the government bailouts. My question is: why doesn't the government first ask the companies they're "bailing out" for a specific budget of what these companies need and review it. Then, when the government forks out OUR tax dollars, they closely monitor that the money is being spent in the appropriate places. I'm against this whole practice to begin with and wish the whole thing wasn't happening; but if someone's going to use my tax money in a way I'm against, then at least show me the respect of taking note of how it's being used! Plus, I think it's kinda funny how people in Congress who voted for a bill which actually allowed the bonuses to take place, turned around and then said they were shocked to see the money being used for such uses.1
  3. Geithner & the Treasury: You guys said the issue about the AIG bonuses was put in because it might not otherwise be "strong enough to survive legal challenge."2 Dude. I may not know a lot of legal goings on with all that's going on with AIG, but seriously. All I see are empty words from you guys, so you can avoid any kind of accountability. That's how it seemed with Chris Dodd regarding adding the bonus amendment.3 What kind of transparent government is that? Frustrating.
  4. Another attack on marriage in CA4: The people have already spoken. Twice now (to my knowledge) California has voted marriage to be between a man and a woman. Okay, so I actually kind of already saw this happening (who didn't?). I don't think this issue will go away quietly. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets more attention than the first time. But here's my fear: when the marriage amendment is repealed (and I think it eventually will be; it's just a matter of time), I really think there won't be a major effort and movement to get it back on the ballot. I think either conservatives won't take an offensive stance, or the proposal will get shut down by the state (because I honestly believe the state supports gay marriage). I don't mean to be negative and I don't, by any means, intend to give the idea that it's a lost cause. I still think the battle should be fought, because it's probably one of the most noble battles to be fought right now. I just feel that more people need to be prepared and willing to take an offensive rather than a defensive stance when the time comes.
So what are your thoughts? Hopefully, I didn't show how ignorant I am of life, and I'm really not that cynical about things. I just get frustrated sometimes that people in our government often forget the simplicity of common sense in many issues. It's just that some of the things I read in the news makes me want to vomit! ;-)



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