Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Arrested Development Movie???
That was a freebie.

So I just found out from a friend's Facebook profile (who happens to be an Aussie) that there is a possible Arrested Development movie in the works. How cool is that?! You can check it out from the words of Ron Howard yourself here.

For those of you who are not familiar with or never heard of Arrested Development, it's a tv series that was on the air for only 3 seasons. From what I understand, it wasn't popular at the time (hence the short life-span of the show), but became such only after it went off the air. It's about the Bluth family and it's family members as they try to run the Bluth Company, a real estate business owned by the father, who went to jail for messing with the accounting books...among other things. It's pretty random and has some slap-stick humor, but honestly, that's what makes the show. "Marry me!"

Anyway, if this does become a movie, then I look forward to watching it (provided it isn't rated R, though I can't see that happening). I've provided a link to the pilot episode for your viewing, thanks to Enjoy!


Elizabeth said...

Okay can I just say I am so excited for this

mikey said...

yes you can...i didn't know you like arrested development? another thing to add to the "attractiveness" i suppose